Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Mom and Dad Gee came to visit last weekend and it was so much fun to have them here. We showed off all of the changes we have made to our house, went golfing, built window boxes for our house, and did some much needed yard work. Just spending time with my parents at our house meant so much to both Jon and I. Thanks mom and dad for making the drive to Omaha and for all of your help. We had so much fun.

We decided to play a little best ball golf tournament. My dad and I vs. my mom and Jon. My dad and I barely squeaked out a win. None of us were playing so hot...so it I won't be revealing our score....
Here is a photo of the window boxes. We are trying to decide if we should paint them and if so, what color. I think I would like them better painted either the brownish black color of the windows or the green color of our trim..... If you have an opinion let us know.
We also put window boxes on the side of the house- they hang off of the deck railing above our garage, but I haven't taken a picture of these yet.


jenni said...

I am trying to picture them with flowers overflowing....I think the brownish black paint. The widget is from Good Reads, updated when you update the site! Nicole's look way cooler then mine.

nicole said...

i agree with jenni (brownish black) the flowers will pop better... LOVE THEM

Sam & Rachel said...

Sorry to go against the grain, but I think they would look awesome in the green trim color.