Jude is gearing up for his big vacation to the black hills. Jon and I are gearing up for what is normally an 8 hour drive. Based on our shorter car trips to Brookings and Huron - what normally takes a person 8 hours to drive may take us more like 11 or 12 with a 2 month old that hates his car seat and not having mom and dad's attention. Awesome.....
Jude has stared smiling and it is so much fun to see him react to us with a big grin. He was especially smiley yesterday all dressed up in his tie onesie my friend Katie made him.
Jude loves it when his dad comes home from work for the day. When it is not raining or super hot and humid they like to debrief about their days on the patio.
Jude LOVES being outside. He watches the braches on our birch tree sway in the wind and is perfectly content. Now if we could find a way to bring that tree inside for the night we would be set!