Monday, October 11, 2010

Believe it or not.....

.....we are still here. I know, our blog postings have been slim to non-existent lately. I was bored with the blogging and other things took priority. However...I LOVE the idea of using this blog to keeping a journal of thoughts and pictures for Jude online. So, I am switching up the format a bit to be a journal of our life events for Jude, written from Jon and I to Jude. I know Jon and I will enjoy looking back on the journal and my hope is that someday Jude will at least find it mildly interesting to look back on. The few family and friends that check regularly - we hope we haven't lost you by taking such a long hiatus! 

Dear Jude,
You are 17 months old.  You are running, whining, talking a mile a minute, saying "Hi" to everyone you meet and continuing to say it until they acknowledge you.  You LOVE to play outside with sand and water and the neighborhood kids that you refer to as "guys".  Your favorite things are bubbles, CARS, your shoes, pears, bath time, daddy's tools, and mommy's jewelry. You are not sure you like mommy and daddy leaving at the beginning of school each day, but you dont' want to leave when we pick you up.  You are good friends with Grace, Maddy, Jack, and Brody.  You have been talking a lot and learning new words everyday.  We hear the following things most often: no, whoops-see-daisy, please, thank you, hungry, all done, and of course mommy and daddy.  You are so much fun!
Mom and Dad


1 comment:

jenni said...

Jude is so cute!

You should print the blog into books too. We look through ours all the time and I love all the stories, details and pics I posted.