Monday, August 06, 2012

Happy Easter

We celebrated Easter with my sisters and their families in Minnesota. Easter egg hunts, great food, laughter, baseball/tennis in the parking lot, playground time in intense wind...the list goes on.
Everyone played baseball in the parking lot.  The cousins let Jude use a tennis raquet instead of the bat to help him along (or speed up the game).
Finding hidden Easter baskets in the morning - a family tradition. Note to self - hide the basket in a more difficult location next year.
Mowing the lawn with cousin Rita.
Found One!
Eating treats after the big Easter egg hunt.
Love this face!
My mom taking shelter from the wind at the park by laying in the slide. Notice the cup of coffee in hand.
Jude getting his first summer taste of the playground.
Connor, Rita, and Jude

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