Friday, March 14, 2008

Meendering Wii Competition

Man - we haven't posted anything for awhile - we have been swamped with work lately and traveling on the weekends. So to catch you up, two weekends ago we went to Sam and Nick's house in Cedar Rapids Iowa for the weekend. Jon's parents met us there and we had a great time hanging out as a family. Jon's parents bought a Wii and so we had some friendly family competition. Other highlights included playing with our adorable niece Ava - this mostly consisted of her wanting to watch Lady and the Tramp or 101 Dalmatians - she is memorized by puppies!

Here are some photos from the weekend.
Ava making crackies (combiation of cookies and crakers) out of play-doh..........

Ava glued to 101 Dalmations.........
Still watching the movie - but cuddling with uncle jon (notice who has control of the remote).........

Ava dancing to Guitar Hero......

Jon and Nick battling it out at Wii Tennis......

1 comment:

nicole said...

whoa! never seen a wii in weird! they look like they were having an intense competition... and i like jess laughing in the background!