Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jude always wants.....

...what he can't have. He has been persistant about trying to get to our laptops whenever they are in his view. We unplugged the keyboard from the desktop computer and tried giving him that - but he saw right through it. So for christmas santa brought him a toy computer. He loves to hit the keys with all his might and it passes the test as long as our laptops are not in view!

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nicole said...

i seriously can NOT get over his outfit - he couldn't be any cuter. i need to squeeze him! must plan a trip up there soon! take pics of his nursery for me - or you can give me a tour on skype!

Sam & Rachel said...

mmqzwqwwkoklqOwwwwwkkwkkkkkkkkkkkjiqwjiwqjiwijkwiqwwkjwkijiIJwm Love, Greta

Yes, G typed that to Jude herself. I am going to guess that the translation......"Hey Jude, I have the same laptop. It's ok, but remember mom and dad's laptops are tons more fun!"

He looks so super adorable. Love and miss you guys.