Thursday, January 07, 2010

Reflections on 2009

2009 was a year of change for us. Although busier than I thought imaginable and stressful at times, we had so much joy in our lives in 2009. You know that list of stressful major life events? Well, I think we take the cake for completing nearly everything off that list...within the last year. Here is a brief rundown of our 2009......

1. Found out we were expecting Meendering #3!

2. Finished renovating our first house.

3. Interviewed and accepted new jobs.

4. Welcomed our first baby, Jude Harper Meendering, to our family.

5. Sold our first house .... the first person who looked at it!

6. Packed our belongings in two u-haul trucks in a flurry (learned we should have adjusted the packing timeline when you have a 2 month old) and moved all of our belongings into storage.

7. Said goodbye to our first house, great friends, and good jobs for a new adventure.

8. Traveled for nearly a month visiting friends around the Midwest with a 3 month old.

9. Lived with my parents for 3 months while looking for a house in our new location.

10. Bought a new house.

11. Started renovating our new house.

12. Started new jobs.

13. Started learning how to balance work and home life.

14. Realised how much we have accomplished, how much we have to be thankful for, and how much joy can come from the love of a family.

15. Lived through it all - even though I doubted at times!

1 comment:

nicole said...

it is amazing to look at that list!! you guys will always have that to look back on when you are facing something and wondering if you will persevere - the answer will always be YES!