Saturday, August 07, 2010

Can we rewind to vacation?


We are back from a glorious week in Colorado on family Vacation.  It was nice to leave everything behind and have a week to focus on family and dear friends. Jude did great on trip and allowed us to experience many parks between our destinations. Our car sick prone little boy only had one major throw up experience on the way.  It was not funny at the time - but in retrospect, two dry heaving parents, scooping puke out of the car, and washing Jude's car seat at a rest stop along I80 is pretty funny. Jude you definitely add an element of adventure!  Here are a few pictures from the drive to Colorado. More to come in the next few days from the rest of the trip...... 


nicole said...

he is HUGE! these pictures are way cute and I'm calling you tomorrow to catch up!

Sam & Rachel said...

Love that pic of Jude in the swing. Way too cute.