Saturday, April 19, 2008


We finally got the video Jon put together from our visit to the Radke's to work. We have just loved thinking back to all the fun we had with our dear old friends! Please pray for their family right now because their youngest son Samuel Jon is in the hospital being tested for SCID "severe combined immunodeficiency". WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!


Sam & Rachel said...

That was great! Thanks for sharing. I think my favorite was Katelyn eating her ice cream and saying, "we don't want no crying boys."

Anonymous said...

I think they should be a reality show. Between Katelyn's giggle and Will's dramatics...WOW! I wish you could see Sam right now, he's such a different baby. My Mom and I were there last week and he waves bye, bye and smiles constantly...Seriously all the time and it's big and goofy. We even got him to try standing up. All of our prayers are working! Please feel free to check out my shutterfly account - member signin:, password: family. There are some great photos from last week and knowing them as you do, I'll be able to hear you laughing. Thanks for being such great friends to Mike and Danielle. Love, Sarah Radke