Thursday, September 25, 2008

The BIG 30!

Yes it is true. I celebrated my 30th birthday on September 18. Jon and I were traveling that day to Oregon for Grant and Nicole's wedding. It was such an awesome birthday treat to see the beauty of Oregon and be surrounded by so many of our good friends. Nicole and her closest friends and family had all gathered for the wedding in Bend and they surprised me by passing out birthday hats, signing happy birthday, and having me blow out 30 candles (I was horrible - perhaps this is because I can't even remember the last time I blew out candles). Thanks Nicole and Grant for making the day so special. People keep asking if it feels different to be 30 - not yet...but Jon keeps reminding me that I am now in my 30's and he is still in his twenties (but lets all remember he is 29 and will be 30 in a few short months).


Lacy & Simon said...

Happy belated B-day Jess! I have my big 30 next week. It is so weird! I'm so glad you had a good day and a wonderful trip. The pictures are great!!!!

Sam & Rachel said...

Hey, I'm with Jon. We are still the young pups in our 30s :-)