Monday, February 02, 2009

Moses Basket

This is the Moses basket I used to sleep in when I was little. Since then my sisters have used it for their kids, and Jon and I feel lucky to have it now for baby M. I have been wanting to make a washable cover for the Moses basket and have been doing a little research on line to find examples that I like. I don't have a pattern to use, but I think I have come up with a gamplan on how to create this cover. I picked out a few cute coordinating green and yellow print fabrics to use and started cutting out the pieces. Neadless to say, I am not the best planner with fabric cutting - and ended up running out of one of the fabrics. So - it will be back to the fabric store for me sometime this week. I will post pictures of the project when it is complete. If you have any good ideas or links to cute covers/liners let me know!


nicole said...

i tried to find some tutorials and/or patterns but no luck. you are taking these pics with your new camera huh?? SO CRISP AND CLEAR!

Rachel said...

I LOVE the moses basket. A friend got me one for my kids (we didn't have a sweet hand-me-down) and I wasn't sure if I would like it, but it was the best for infants. They look so adorable in it and you can move it around so easily--even stick it right in the crib.