Sunday, February 01, 2009

Starting to Nest

It is official, the whole pregnant woman like to nest theory is in full force around our house. I feel the need to clean and organize everything, which is a bit stressful because our house is in full renovation mode upstairs and new windows are going in as we speak in the kitchen. We moved our futon and desk out of the yellow room and into the basement so that we could set up Baby M's crib. The room still needs a lot of work (we want to find a rug, something to hang on the walls, etc) but the crib looks super cute and is fun to see each day as a reminder that Baby M will be here in 3 months! I had high hopes of making the crib bedding - but I have so many handmade projects on my list for baby M that when I saw this bedding that matched the paint in the yellow room Jon and I jumped on it. Don't tell Baby M, but we really didn't want to have to repaint that room - so it worked out great.


jenni said...

very cute bedding, much better than normal boy stuff! what projects do you want to make? do tell! Is there anything you don't feel like making but want??

Lindsey said...

LOVE the bedding, super cute!

nicole said...

LOVE it! i think i've got something for at least one wall. i will finish it this week and send some photos so you can see what you think...

Sam & Rachel said...

The bedding looks soooo good. It is all coming together now :-)