Friday, May 29, 2009

What color will those eyes be?

Hard to believe Jude was one month old yesteray. Seems like yesterday that we brought him home. The word is still out on what color his eyes will be. We thought they were going to be hazel like Jon's eyes but they are starting to look more and more brown like mine. How long does it take for babies eyes to change color?
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nicole said...

OMG i love him. i would drive there right now if i could just to get a good snuggle in. how the heck did you guys make such a cute baby?? its almost illegal. jess - i can see what you mean about him looking bigger...he is definitely starting to fill out. those cheeks!

Sam & Rachel said...

Wow! He is so adorable. Cannot wait to hold this tiny baby. I see alot of Jon in him. I love that chin...makes him look like a little man. As for the eye color change, some people say they can change up to 18 months, but normally by about 9 months. So you might have to wait a bit to know for sure.