Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oregon Bound

We leave tomorrow morning bright and early for Bend, Oregon. We are flying back for Grant and Nicole's wedding and we can not even express our excitement to be back in Oregon and see some of our dear friends. It is funny how your idea of "home" changes as you move from location to location. The whole time we were in Oregon we always considered South Dakota "home" and we were eagerly awaiting to move back closer to friends and family. However, now that we have left Oregon we often find ourselves thinking of Oregon as another "home" of ours and missing so many wonderful things about it. This is a good reminder for me to live in the moment (something I have difficulty doing) and to enjoy and appreciate the things I love where i am living in the present and not just the past. Anyway - Oregon here we come. Can't wait to take in the beauty and to have a lot of good laughs with our friends from grad school.

Here are a few blasts from our Oregon past.......
Camping at Creator Lake..........

More camping....Enjoying the waterfalls....
Cape Perpetua...
This one is for Grant and Nicole - it is the Christmas party where it all started and on Saturday they will be married!


jenni said...

whose that HOT guy in the santa hat?

Have a wonderful time! Take LOTS of pictures and upload them promptly so I can see!

Lacy & Simon said...

Have a great time! I can't wait to see photos!!!!

Anonymous said...


It was so nice meeting you!! Thank you for your kind words. There were so many great moments at Grant and Nicole's wedding that I had a hard time narrowing down the blog picks. In any case, I hope you enjoyed your time back in Oregon. I look forward to checking out your blog:)

