Thursday, April 09, 2009

Recycled Old Frames

I have been on a mission to get rid of things we don't use. If you have seen our basement you would know why. How can two people have so much stuff?? We had a whole tote of picture frames sitting in our basement since we moved into this house (nearly 2 years ago). It is not like we don't have pictures out and about in our house, we just had so many and they were all fairly eclectic colors and sizes, so we just didn't have a place for them. We decided to take all of them and spray paint them black. We ordered black and white print of some of our favorite pictures and hung them together in a grouping on our stairway. It cost us next to nothing and we were happy to put all of our old frames to use. It is such a joy to see the picture every morning and night as we pass by. There are a lot of pictures up there that a lot of you may recognize....


Sup said...

That is exactly what I was going to do, but I was going to also use childhood pics of each of us in it. Seeing yours make me want to get on the ball!

nicole said...

will you guys open a home decor business already?? and help us do this in our house??????????????

Anonymous said...

Your home looks great I am really jealous, everything looks perfect and in place for baby M to arrive. Love the pictures keep them coming.

Take care thinking of you both and soon enough baby will be here.


Jonas and Janelle said...

What a great idea, I love it! I might have to steal it one day, if Joe and I ever settle down and get to buying a house that is...